Brent Fikowski

Brent Fikowski

Brent Fikowski knows hard work doesn’t come easy. He made his debut at the CrossFit Games in 2016 taking 4th place. For the next year he trained and came back to become the “Second Fittest Man on Earth” in 2017. 

Most recently, Fikowski placed 1st place at the Dubai CrossFit Championship and Asia CrossFit Championship both in 2019. He has also continued to challenge his opponents each year at the CrossFit Games. 

When he wasn't competing, Fikowski began The Professor Project in 2017 as a way to create a strong community driven by the love of CrossFit. He continues to coach members through The Professor Project on ways to improve their athletic performance. 

Fikowski has always been dedicated to whatever he sets his mind to. He puts in the hard work and expects to keep putting in the hard work time and time again. 

"With Ascent I know that I'm taking in only what I need - in its purest form. I know what I’m putting in my body, and knowing this is exactly what I need…Just clean ingredients, simple ingredients, proven ingredients – that’s what’s exciting for me.”